Saturday, March 28, 2015

Natural Healing Jewelry by Dr. Wafaa Yedisu

All crystals and stones resonate on a certain frequency that matches a certain frequency of a human being point. When this point became ill, the right stone can communicate andrecall the original healthy frequency. 
The natural stones have a high and low points of frequency. To get the exact required frequencies from stones, we need to work on the stone to prepare it and turn it into the right healing tool for a human I'll points with the right exact required frequency. That is the work on the stone by Dr. Wafaa Yedisu. As a metaphysical scientist and a doctor, she can do the analysis of the human system to have the required frequency from certain stone. After preparing the stone for the required imbalanced point for a certain individual, the stone keep resonating the adjusted frequency till the individual imbalanced I'll point became balanced and healthy. For dr. Wafaa Yedisu methods, that takes every time from 3 - 5 days.
Have fun contacting Dr. Wafaa Yedisu through this page for getting your own healing stone that will be prepared for you after analyzing your physical and mental imbalanced point. 

The imbalance points affects the interior organs, mental quality of actions and reactions, physical and mental healthy performance.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Healing with Agate by Dr. Wafaa Yedisu

Natural polished Agate Gemstones 

Agate gemstones are the oldest gemstones has been known by man. We activate the inactive sleeping powers that the earth keep inside agate. These powers are just like the life power inside a seed of flower. Dr. Wafaa Yedisu awakens these powers in scientific ways include the science of metaphysics, geology and chemistry. After days and weeks of the right steps on the Agates, the gemstones start to breath as a new born baby. Each case of human physical or mental imbalance that needs the power of Agate, each person has different shape and kind with different extra process of preparation for the Agate.
We are happy to join all of our work with therapy sessions and life guidance consultations.
We also teach all our metaphysical science process for Agates gemstones in educational courses with International Practitioner Diplomas.
Join our Agate Gemstones healing methods by Dr. Wafaa Yedisu

Natural unpolished Agate